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MEGO - Sergei Chernyahovsky

Friday 29/12/23 Python Data sets, Exceptions, Recursion

MEGO college,
01:48 Exercise from previous practice on classes
23:45 Lists
01:22:10 Tuples
01:33:02 Ranges
01:38:57 Dicts
02:17:27 Exceptions(try catch finally)
02:48:00 Recursion in Python
Link to GitHub: friday29.12.23
Includes: project, exercise and presentation

MEGO - Sergei Chernyahovsky

22/12/2023 Learning Python Classes - GitHub commands

MEGO college,
Learning/Practicing Python, Classes, variables, encapsulation,
inheritance, override methods and constructors.
05:00 Python Classes, Inheritance, Encapsulation
02:01:14 GitHub
Link to GitHub: friday22.12.23
Includes: project, exercise and presentation